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Cannon Financial Institute

How to Sell Green Investments Using EnergyStar Information


Investments Are Not Bought, They Are Sold

Selling requires creating a sense of urgency, and there is nothing more urgent than the environmental issues we face because of global climate change. It’s why more clients are probably asking you how they can invest in green funds or want more information on sustainable investing. This is a moment of great opportunity.

Converging Trends Moving Investors Toward Sustainable Investing.

Three converging trends are permanently changing investment flows, said BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, and this change creates an opportunity for advisors who embrace it. These trends are: [1]

  1. Recognition of the enormity of climate change
  2. Reallocation of capital toward sustainable companies
  3. Data linking sustainable investing to alpha

How To Introduce Green Investing Through EnergyStar

While EnergyStar certifications on appliances enjoy high public recognition and trust, there is far more to the agency. That’s why you want to know something about EnergyStar and how it can help you and your clients. Scanning the news can give people a sense of powerlessness in the face of global environmental problems, which seem to get worse by the day. But you can focus your clients and referral sources on how they can fight against global warming by introducing them to EnergyStar.

Show Clients How To Reduce Their Carbon Footprint

As their trusted advisor, many clients may ask you where they can find reputable information on how to reduce their carbon “footprint.” Many wealthy and well-educated people like your clients want to do something about global climate change beyond re-defining their investment strategy. But deciding what action to take overwhelms people. They don’t know where to begin.

How To Start?

 The best place to start is the EnergyStar website which is here.

EnergyStar has a broad array of explanatory materials and software for your clients who own businesses to help them use energy more efficiently, saving money and reducing carbon discharge. Even manufacturers will find proven benchmarking software for their industry and details on how to begin an energy efficiency program.  

If your place of worship, commercial building, small business, or any building or type of business needs help in using energy efficiently, EnergyStar has information and free software for you.

Investing In Their Homes To Be More Energy Efficient

All of your wealthy clients will own at least one home and probably two or three. Since older clients have so much wealth tied up in their homes, spending money to increase the energy efficiency of their homes will appeal to them. Do they have the newest types of windows in their homes? Heat flows from hot to cold. If you open a window of your airconditioned home, hot air comes in. In the winter, it’s the reverse.

Houses Leak Air As They Age

The shape of older window frames is often out of tune because houses have settled. Time also brings cracked caulking around the frame, the windows, and reduced tightness of the sill. Replacing old windows with energy-efficient windows is one of the best tasks your clients can undertake both to increase comfort and value and save energy. This is one of the hundreds of suggestions on the site on how to use energy more efficiently.

Times Of Change Create Opportunity

Given the changes occurring in the world which are forcing changes in how people invest, this change creates a great opportunity for you now. Don’t let this new wave pass you by.





Contributing Writer: Subject Matter Expert Charles McCain

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